Konstantin Maslov

NP3M Fellow, Texas A&M University & University of Houston


Research interests

Equation of state of strongly interacting matter in application to neutron stars and heavy-ion collisions

Phase transitions in neutron stars

Relativistic mean-field models of nuclear and quark matter

Quantum many-body approaches beyond mean-field approximation

About Konstantin Maslov

I am a theoretical nuclear physicist with interests in astrophysics and many-body approaches to describing the dense matter in neutron stars. During my PhD research with Prof. D.N. Voskresensky, I have developed several relativistic mean-field models of neutron star matter which allowed to resolve the so-called neutron star "hyperon puzzle" and were successfully applied to describing neutron star cooling and quark-hadron phase transition with inhomogeneous mixed phases.

Currently my work is focused on development of beyond-mean-field approaches to the hot/dense matter equation of state in order to provide state-of-the-art input for simulations of neutron star mergers. In particular, I am working on extending the self-consistent T-matrix approach, which allows to model the QCD medium as a strongly interacting system of partons and their 2-body resonances with fully taking into account their off-shell properties, to the case of large densities and temperatures achievable in these events.

Research highlights

  • This work has highlighted the importance of off-shell properties of mesons for calculating the equation of state in Polyakov-loop Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model at zero density
  • This work has investigated the formation of pasta phases during the quark-hadron phase transition in neutron stars